
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Yikes, we're getting ready to leave!

Well, this is our last week in Kasigau and although we are ready to travel around Kenya for a bit, it suddenly seems like there is too little time and too much to accomplish before we leave. We have been on a game drive and Ken had a run in with some elephants, three intens, and a rental car. There are many good stories and photos, but no good way to post to the web and no time to organize.

The best news this week is that the primary schools where we have been working have just completed their second term exams, and the students identified 6 weeks ago as "slow learners" have shown greatly improved perfomance. In schools where teachers have worked side by side with our interns, some students have actually doubled their scores, and exam scores are the most important single factor in detemining a child's educational future.

The three young men we have been sponsoring at Moi (with support of many blog readers) are all lovely guys who would like to continue their education at university to become doctors and engineers. (John I think would like to pursue a career in tourism management, a 2 year program.) We would like to support them because they have consistently performed in the top of their class and are very hard workers, often rising at 3am fo 2 exta hours of studying before morning preps begin. We are interested to know how many people might be interested in contributing even small amounts of financial support, and also any ideas you may have for how to set priorities. For instance, we could collect as much sponsorship as possible and divide it between the three of them equally, or offer half to the highest performer and split the remaining half between the other two, or...Univesity is more expensive then high school in Kenya, but still inexpensive by American standards.

I know you have to have a Google account to post comments, so if anyone would like to support a few bright university students in Kenya you can let me know at We are also collecting names and information for potental high school sponsorships, especially for girls. School year starts in January, so we have time to get organized.

Thanks for reading the blog. I know the appeal for funds is a bit uncomfortable fo me, so if it is the same for you, just ignore that last paragraph. We are experiencing a bit of "compassion fatigue" ourselves. We're heading for Lamu on Friday and it is a tourist town so maybe there is better internet options. I'm ready for a real vacation with some free time!

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